Bavarian castles
the castles of ludwig II of bavaria

Hohenschwangau Castle is a place rich in history and beauty, a hidden treasure in the Bavarian mountains that is definitely worth a visit. With its charming rooms and romantic atmosphere, it offers visitors an unforgettable journey into the past.


Hohenschwangau Castle is a charming manor house overlooking the picturesque village of Schwangau, near Füssen, Bavaria. Situated on a wooded hill, it offers breathtaking views of the Alpsee lake.

Although it was not built by King Ludwig II, but by his father Maximilian II, it played a fundamental role in the sovereign’s life, profoundly influencing his character.

Maximilian II purchased the ruins of what was once the “Burg Schwanstein” in 1832 and had it rebuilt in neo-Gothic style. The castle became a summer hunting residence and a place where the young Ludwig II spent the most carefree years of his youth, immersed in a romantic atmosphere and often welcoming his friend and admired composer Richard Wagner.

Inside the castle, there are several rooms of interest, each with its own uniqueness. The Camera del Tasso, for example, is decorated with representations of the story of “Rinaldo and Armida” by Torquato Tasso. The Swan Knight Hall is adorned with precious wall paintings depicting scenes from the legend of the swan knight Lohengrin. The Berchta Chamber, however, features frescoes dedicated to Charlemagne and his mother Berchta, according to a famous Bavarian legend.

After the sudden death of King Ludwig II, the castle remained the property of the Wittelsbach family and was equipped with electricity and an elevator in 1905. Miraculously, the castle survived both the First and Second World Wars unscathed, and the former royal family was allowed to reside there by the Bavarian Parliament.

Neuschwanstein Castle
Nymphenburg Palace. Munich, Germany
visit the Bavarian castles
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Discover the tour from Munich to Hohenschwangau Castle

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€ 221,70

Useful information for the visit
Bavarian Neuschwanstein Castle at snowy winter

The opening hours of Hohenschwangau Castle are as follows:

  • From April to October: from 8.00 to 17.00
  • From October to March: from 9.00 to 15.00

Please note that these times may vary and we always recommend checking directly on the castle’s official website or contacting the ticket office for up-to-date information.

To reach Hohenschwangau Castle, there are several options:

By Train and Bus: If you travel by train, the closest station is Füssen. From there, you can take a bus to the Hohenschwangau ticket office. The Bayern Ticket can be a convenient option for train and bus travel in Bavaria.

By Car: If you are traveling by car, the address of the castle is Alpseestraße 30, 87645 Hohenschwangau. There are car parks available nearby, but keep in mind that during the high tourist season, these can fill up quickly.

On Walk: If you are already in Schwangau, you can reach the castle on foot. There are marked trails leading up to the castle, but be aware that the climb can be steep.

Always remember to check the latest travel information and conditions

Hohenschwangau Castle is open all year round and each season offers a unique experience.

Spring (March-May): Spring is a wonderful time to visit the castle. The weather is mild, the flowers are in bloom, and the tourist crowds are generally smaller than in summer.

Summer (June-August): Summer is the most popular season to visit the castle. The weather is warm and the days are long, which means more time to explore. However, it can be very crowded, so it is advisable to book tickets in advance.

Autumn (September-November): Autumn offers a spectacular landscape with colorful leaves and cooler weather. It’s also a less crowded time than summer.

Winter (December-February): Winter can be a magical time to visit the castle, especially if it’s covered in snow. However, the weather can be cold and some parts of the castle may be closed due to weather conditions.

In general, it is advisable to visit the castle during the week rather than on the weekend to avoid the crowds. Remember to check opening times and book tickets in advance, especially during peak periods.

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